We are pleased to provide an update on the 2023 National High School Science Debate. Unfortunately, the number of schools currently registered for the debate does not meet the minimum quota needed for the event to proceed to the next stage at this time.
A minimum of eight schools are needed and currently only six high schools are registered for the debate. The number of participating schools directly impacts the ability to randomly assign debate topics, and the overall debate flow (referred to as tournament brackets).
Given these circumstances and the approaching holidays, the National High School Science Debate registration process will be extended to January 16, 2023. The date for the debate, in particular, will also be revised to allow more preparation time. This information will be shared once registration has closed in January, and the minimum quota has been met.
Participating schools can also expect an email following the holidays with their list of registrants to review and crosscheck if they intended to participate in the debate but perhaps overlooked the appropriate checkbox during online registration. January 16 is also the student replacement deadline for all competitions, so we hope this process is useful.
While we are unable to create the debate schedule at this time due to the circumstances mentioned earlier, we are happy to share that the 2023 National High School Science Debate will include a combination of the following topics. Subject to the outcome of the extended registration process, participating schools will be randomly assigned specific topics from the list below along with a stance in January.
Debate #1 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: National recycling mandates are necessary to conserve scarce resources and protect the environment.
Debate #2 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Microplastics do not pose a considerable risk to the environment and humans.
Debate #3- School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Global biodiversity loss can be significantly halted or reversed by 2030.
Debate #4- School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: The use of animal testing in scientific research is necessary.
Debate #1 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Pharmaceuticals vs. Farmerceuticals: Herbal medicines are the best remedies for common medical problems.
Debate #2- School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: The 2022 World population – 8 Billon: Human overpopulation is a planetary threat.
Debate #1 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Human Genetic Testing has great potential for our society.
Debate #2- School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: The use of GPS Technology should be freely expanded across industries and products.
Debate #3 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Nanotechnology should be used in medical diagnosis.
Debate #4 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Commercial space travel and space tourism will change the world for good.
Debate #1 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Solar energy provides an easy pathway to energy security.
Debate #2 - School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Investment in carbon capture technology is a more effective climate change mitigation measure than renewable energy.
Debate #3- School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Developed countries should be required to finance climate-related damages faced by small developing countries.
Debate #4- School (Negative) vs. School (Affirmative)
Topic: Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by governments.
Other topics within the debate bank include: "Unfinished learning or learning loss caused by the pandemic has an easy recovery," "Without national or global enforcement, achieving greenhouse gas emission targets is unrealistic."
Should you have any questions, feel free to email corpcomm@fortistci.com.